KV2 Audio » Case Studies » Iberostar Grand Hotel, Budapest

Iberostar Grand Hotel, Budapest


KV2 Audio is proud to announce that the 5-star chain of Iberostar Hotels chosen EX series to equip its Hungarian jewel, the Iberostar Grand Hotel Budapest. The Restaurant and Bar of the hotel, called Borkakas, is now ready for the crystal clear background or party sound.

In the heart of Budapest, this luxury venue has many event with live music needs exclusive sound quailty. The operator of the restaurant listened to many speaker system and KV2 Audio was the best among them to ensure the 5-star sound quality for the 5-star hotel’s restaurant. He had no doubt to choose the EX series and asked KV2’s Hungarian distributor to install 6pcs EX6 extended by an EX1.2 subwoofer.

There were many unexpected difficulty during the installation as the suspended ceiling was not strong enough to hold the weight of the speakers and the heating tubes run above the suspended ceiling. So high quality installation and clever solutions were required to deserve the high quality result. 

The system was already tested on the very first evening after the installation and the operator was very happy after the full house event. If you also wish to have an exclusive lunch or dinner, visit Borkakas Restaurant and Bar in Iberostar Grand Hotel Budapest. You can take the edge off your appetite and in the meantime you get the very best of KV2 Audio’s sound quality as a dessert.



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