KV2 Audio » Case Studies » Starborne Productions, Seattle

Starborne Productions, Seattle


For over 15 years, Starborne Sound has been bringing high quality sound reinforcement systems to events that span the Pacific Northwest, including Washington, Oregon, California and Idaho.

With a drive towards achieving the best sonic results possible, Starborne uses exclusively KV2 Audio Systems. This drive has landed them on the main and support stages of events such as the Decibel Festival, Esthetic Evolution, Seattle Hempfest, Sasquatch Festival, Photosynthesis Festival and many more. “As with all KV2 systems, the VHD definitely punches above its weight,” exclaimed Michael Manahan, owner of Starborne Sound.

We were accustomed to the superb performance of KV2’s ES and EX Series but when we had the chance to run the larger VHD System we were truly amazed by the audio clarity, and unbelievable crowd bumping bass, over such a large area. Then, there’s the incredible convenience of the VHD; we deliver the system in a 10’ trailer, set-up in under two hours, used no system EQ or tuning processors and provided crystal clear audio with shirt-moving SPL to well over 5000 people. Everyone is amazed at the sound quality.” Michael Manahan, Starborne Productions.



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