KV2 Audio » News » Zeljko Joksimovic held a concert in front of 12 000 people in Split Arena using VHD system
One of the biggest pop stars in the Balkan region, composer, producer and singer Zeljko Joksimovic held a solo concert in Split, Croatia, in front of 12 000 people in a beautiful Arena ” Spaladium ” on March 8th 2014.
For this occasion Joksimovic used his own sound system – the KV2 VHD system. He had 8 x VHD4.18 that were organized in formation of two times four boxes at a distance of 3 meters. Above were two VHD2.0 and a downfill VHD1.0. On the stage were another two VHD1.0 operating in a “full range” mode.
And there were some sceptics trying to persuade Zeljko and his production team to abandon the idea of covering all that space using this system, but with no success. They requested support from their dealer for suggestions and advice on how to set up the system.
The stage was 18 x 12 meters long and satellites were positioned with the distance of 16 meters between them, while the bottom edge of the downfill box was 6m from the ground.
The show was spectacular and passed in an extraordinary atmosphere which you can see in the photo gallery.
“This is the first time that KV2 VHD system was used in Split Arena. The plan is to hold concerts in Belgrade and Zagreb Arena and after the experience we had there is no longer any doubt over what kind of sound system we will use” – said Zeljko’s production manager Srdjan Noveljić.
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